CnPack Open Source Projects - CnPack Working Report in the 2nd Half of 2008
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CnPack Working Report in the 2nd Half of 2008
CnPack Open Source Projects 2009-01-29 18:18:30

    Below are the achievements of CnPack in the Second Half of 2008:

1. CnPack IDE Wizards 0.8.8 was published at 2008-08-08 to celebrate for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. CnPack IDE Wizards 0.8.8 Supports Delphi 2009 (12.0.3170.16989 or later). But does NOT support Delphi 2009 beta versions due to its compiling incompatibility. If want support to beta versions of Delphi 2009, please download CnWizards' source and compile it manually.
   CnPack IDE Wizards 0.8.9 and 0.9.0 was also published in Nov and Dec 2008. The changes of these 3 versions include but not limited below:

    1. Add Support to Delphi 2009 but Some Features Disabled.
    2. Add Lines and Structure Background Highlight.
    3. Add Jump to Matched Keyword Function with the Default Shortcut "Ctrl+," in Code Editor Wizard.
    4. Add Background Highlight Current Identifier at Cursor in Source Highlight. Defaultly Disabled.
    5. Add Procedure List Editor ToolBar. Only Support Pascal Files.
    6. Add C/C++ File and HTML Encode Support to Source Format Convert Wizard.
    7. MessageBox Wizards Supports MessageDlg Function.
    8. Other Bugs Fixed.

   Our nightly build version:

2. CnPack IDE Wizards failed to apply to become a CodeGear Technical Partner. And failed when attend to a JinShan Software Contest. We'll work more hard.

3. CnPack Foundation accepts Donation at and (Chinese). For English, please visit SourceForge:

4. Some components are added into CnPack Component Package, including LED, ColorBox, Error Provider components by other friends, and some Network, Database, non-visual components by rarnu.

    Below is the plan of CnPack for the First Half of 2009:

1. Publish CnWizards 0.9.1. Prepare some new Features including F2 rename variable, Highlight current line. And some old Features will support Delphi 2009.

2. Continue to fix the bugs and do the function improvements for CnWizards. Continue to publicize CnWizards to home and board. Now according to the upgrade statistics, there're nearly 9000 CnWizards users by the end of 2008. We hope this number can increase considerably in the first half of 2009.

3. To reduce our server's workload of CVS/CVSTrac/Web/FTP/Mail, we're discussing to migrate our CVS/CVSTrac to Google Code's SVN.

4. Continue documentation.

5. Continue to build the CnPack Team.

To our members: Be more initiative and active for communication and taking part in our work.

    CnPack Website:
    CnPack BBS:
    CnPack Email:

    CnPack Mailing List:
    CnPack QQ Group:     CnPack I: 359682(Full);  CnPack II: 16797125(Full)
                         CnPack III: 32712412; CnPack IV: 130970(Full)
                         CnPack V: 16067960(Full)

    (Note: Mailing list and QQ group are only used by CnPack Members and Users.)

    Let's do it well!

                              CnPack Administrators: Liu Xiao, Zhou JingYu

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