CnPack Open Source Projects - CnPack Working Report in 2018
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CnPack Working Report in 2018
CnPack Open Source Projects 2019-04-24 14:47:18

    Below are the achievements of CnPack in 2018:

1. CnPack IDE Wizards 1.1.4/1.1.5 published. Support RAD Studio 10.2.3 Tokyo.

   Our nightly build version:

2. CnPack Source Stays at GitHub.

3. CnVcl Add PrimeNumber, TEA, DH, RSA, ECC, CA, Zip etc. Add Watch Feature to CnDebug.

4. CnPack Foundation accepts Donation using alipay and wechat QR code in our help files. For English, please visit SourceForge:  

    Below is the plan of CnPack for 2019:

1. Continue to fix the bugs and do the function improvements for CnWizards. We hope users number can increase considerably in the next year.

2. Continue documentation.

3. Continue to build the CnPack Team.

    CnPack Website:
    CnPack BBS:
    CnPack Email:

    CnPack QQ Group:     CnPack I: 359682;  CnPack II: 16797125
                         CnPack III: 32712412; CnPack IV: 130970
                         CnPack V: 16067960; CnPack VI: 45094292
                         CnPack VII: 47744868

    CnPack WeChat Group: Please contact Administrator to join.

    (Note: Mailing list and QQ/WeChat group are only used by CnPack Members and Users.)

    Let's do it well!

                              CnPack Administrators: Liu Xiao, Zhou JingYu

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