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Since: 2003-09-01 |
CnPack Team, as an Embarcadero Technology Partner, is made up of Chinese Programmers and Delphi / C++ Builder Fans across the Internet.
Our Products include CnWizards, CnVCL and etc. All projects are Open Source and Free.
CnPack IDE Wizards (CnWizards) is a Free Plug-in Tool Set for Delphi/C++ Builder/CodeGear RAD Studio/Embarcadero RAD Studio to Improve Development Efficiency.
For Main Features, See Screen Snap or Introduction Page at Left "Latest Releases".
CnPack Component Package (CnVCL) Includes Crypto, Non-visual, UI, Net Comm and Multi-Language Components in Delphi / C++ Builder. (Under Development).
CnPack Codes Locate in GitHub and Synchronize to Gitee Timely.
[2024-12-21] |
CnPack IDE Wizards (CnWizards) Released! Support RAD Studio 12.2 Patch 2.
[2024-11-03] |
CnPack IDE Wizards (CnWizards) Released! Support RAD Studio 12.2 Patch 1.
[2024-09-17] |
CnPack IDE Wizards (CnWizards) Released! Support RAD Studio 12.2.
[2024-04-03] |
CnPack IDE Wizards (CnWizards) Released! Support RAD Studio 12.1.
[2024-02-11] |
CnPack IDE Wizards (CnWizards) Released!