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How to Get a Customized Build of CnWizards
CnPack Open Source Projects 2007-08-07 13:34:57

CnWizards' latest source code on CnPack CVS supports Customized Building. We provide a Tool CnCustBuild to control the file 'cnwizards\Source\' to define the compile directives to include or exclude the Wizards.

If you want to get a customized build of CnWizards that only contains the features you want, you can follow these steps:

1. Download latest (nightly-build) installer of CnWizards and install it.

2. Download latest source code from CnPack SVN to local directory.

  svn checkout

3. Start Delphi, Open cnwizards\Tools\CnCustBuild\CnCustBuild.dpr and Run.

4. In CnCustBuild Window, Select the Wizards you want, and Press 'Save' to save the file.

5. Close CnCustBuild, Open CnWizards Project file CnWizards_Dx.dpr in cnwizards\Source and Build. If you use C++Builder, Open CnWizards Project file CnWizards_cbx.bpr in cnwizards\Source and Build.

5. Copy the DLL file from cnwizards\Bin to installation directory, e.g. C:Program Files\CnPack\CnWizards to overwrite the original one.

6. Start IDE. Now you can see the customized build of CnWizards in your IDE.


1. Some wizards can NOT support all versions of IDE in spite of checked or not.

2. Only Wizards can be customized. Other parts, such as framework, multi-lang support, run-time library and Help file do not support it.

3. Some wizards maybe has dependency. If you can not compile the CnWizards project when you select some wizards in CnCustBuild window, please tell us ( We'll try to improve it.

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