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CnPack Working Report in the 1st Half of 2009
CnPack Open Source Projects 2009-06-15 22:12:00

CnPack Working Report in the First Half of 2009

    Below are the achievements of CnPack in the First Half of 2009:

1. CnPack IDE Wizards 0.9.1 published at 2009-04-04. 0.9.2 is also coming. 0.9.2 will add some supports to C++Builder.
   0.9.1 changes:

   I.   Add Highlight to Current Line in Source Highlight.
   II.  Add F2 Shortcut to Rename Identifier under Cursor.
   III. Add a Function that Auto Put to Line End when Enter Semicolon in Source. Defaultly Disabled.
   IV.  Comment Cropper Supports Directoires. Add an Merge Blank Lines Option.
   V.   Script Wizard Supports Delphi 2009. Some Demos Added.
   VI.  Add F2 Shortcut to Rename Selected Component in Designer.
   VII. Decrease Help File Size.

   0.9.2 changes (coming soon):

   I.   Support Delphi 2010 Beta 14.0.3417.21151.
   II.  Simulate Code Input Helper using IDE's Code Insight in C++Builder.
   III. Source Highlight, Procedure Toolbar, Jump to Matched Keyword/Brace Supports C++Builder.
   IV.  Auto Enter "begin" after "end" in Editor Enhancement.

   Our nightly build version:

2. CnPack To decrease the pressure of our server, now CnPack use Google Code's SVN to manage code. CnPack's CVS will Stop from now.

   CnPack's Google Code:

   Our Timeline:

   Browse Code:

   To get latest code, just see here:

   Newly added nightly build download:

3. CnPack Foundation accepts Donation at and (Chinese). For English, please visit SourceForge:  

4. CnPack Components Package changes the directory name from "cnpack" to "cnvcl".

    Below is the plan of CnPack for the Second Half of 2009:

1. Publish CnWizards 0.9.2. Prepare the support to Delphi 2010 Stable in future.

2. Continue to fix the bugs and do the function improvements for CnWizards. Continue to publicize CnWizards to home and board. Now according to the upgrade statistics, there're more than 10,000 CnWizards users by the middle of 2009. We hope this number can increase considerably in the next half of 2009.

3. Continue documentation.

4. Continue to build the CnPack Team.

To our members: Be more initiative and active for communication and taking part in our work.

    CnPack Website:
    CnPack BBS:
    CnPack Email:

    CnPack Mailing List:
    CnPack QQ Group:     CnPack I: 359682;  CnPack II: 16797125
                         CnPack III: 32712412; CnPack IV: 130970
                         CnPack V: 16067960; CnPack VI: 45094292

    (Note: Mailing list and QQ group are only used by CnPack Members and Users.)

    Let's do it well!

                              CnPack Administrators: Liu Xiao, Zhou JingYu

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