CnPack Open Source Projects - CnPack Working Report in 2006
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CnPack Working Report in 2006
CnPack Open Source Projects 2007-01-14 12:16:36

CnPack Working Report in 2006

    CnPack's work was postponed for somewhile for the human resource problem this year, and now restored. Here we apologize for it. In 2006, Borland published its BDS 2006 and want to sell its IDE. It brings some effect to CnWizards, which based on Delphi/C++Builder/BDS IDE.
    Below are the archievements of CnPack in 2006:

1. Our main product CnWizards 0.8.0 and 0.8.1 were published with the changing list:

    I. Add support to BDS 2006.
    II. Add Moving Cursor between Procedure and Var Field with Ctrl+Shift+V. Add Insert Date Time Tool to Editor Wizard. F3/Shift+F3 to Search Selected Text in Editor Enhancement. Add FastCode IDE Optimizer. Add IDE Config Backup and Restore Tool. Add Detection and Hint to Update Pack Versions. Add 'Search Component' Function to Palette. Add Stand-alone ASCII Chart Tool.
    III. CnDebug/CnDebugViewer integrated into CnWizards and published.
    IV. Other bugs fixed.
2. CnWizards enters the final of the 2nd China OpenSource Contest.

3. CnPack Foundation built, for public, commonweal, non-business purpose, including CnPack management and commonweal, charity fields.

4. CnMisFrame and Code formatter stopped.

    Below is the plan of CnPack for next year:

1. Continue to fix the bugs and do the function improvements for CnWizards. Continue to publicize CnWizards to home and board. Now according to the upgrade statistics, there're about 3500 CnWizards users by the end of 2006. We hope this number can increase considerably in the new year.

2. Prepare for the final of the 2nd China OpenSource Contest.

3. Continue documentation.

4. Continue to build the CnPack team.

To our members: Be more initiative and active for communication and taking part in our work.

    CnPack Website:
    CnPack BBS:
    CnPack Email:

    CnPack Mailing List:
    CnPack QQ Group:     CnPack I: 359682;  CnPack IV: 130970
    (Note: Mailing list and QQ group are only used by CnPack Members.)

    Let's do it well!

                               CnPack Administrator: LiuXiao, JinYu Zhou

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